
Well, now it's February. The month of love, as well as the month
of screwed-up holidays. Remember when we celebrated Lincoln's
birthday and Washington's birthday? now it's just "President's
Day", and seems so meaningless... but I digress. Welcome to the
second issue of this, our second year!
Well, Skippy is back, to tell all you women
what we (men, that is) are really all about.. We have a
guest movie reviewer, digging into a gem from the past,
Cabinboy. I personally can't
stand Chris Elliot, but there's no accounting for taste, eh? In
From the Cheap Seats, Dave Lind has some
thoughts on the upcoming Tyson/Holyfield fight. Our local sports
curmudgeon, the Professor, rates the
crop of new coaches in the NFL.
In the Drunk Tank, your intrepid
Scroomers tackle a local (San Jose) night club, and the more general
problem of what happens when your favorite little place gets popular.
And, in another leap forward, we have added a letters to the editor
section, To You Scroomers. Here is
where we will be putting the best, funniest, weirdest, or most
upsetting letters that we get from you, the SCROOMtimes reader.
So, pop us off a line!
In our features section, our own Dean Shutt weighs in with another
attempt to define our culture, entitled If
You Have Mousse... Use it!. On a more serious note, we have
two very nice pieces of fiction, The
Visitation and The Admirer. I
think you might like these...
And last, but not least, we have a couple of new poets here. Please
try out the works of Betty (first aid)
and Susanna Garrett (Fire Poems and
For Gary Thompson - May 1990. Tell
me if you like them...
Now, get out there and read!
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