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Hey there, and welcome to another issue of the SCROOMtimes - the best darn 'zine on the net. Have you spread the word?

You are going to see many changes here at your favorite web mag over the next couple of months. We are preparing a site re-design, with professional help (yes, I know most of you think we need that anyway, so here ya go!).

In addition, check out the little box at the upper left of this page - we are now offering free e-mail accounts. Now why would you want a free e-mail account from the SCROOMtimes? 'Cause it's cool, that's why. Everyone on your block will think you are the coolest guy or gal in the whole world. Really. Go ahead and sign up - you know you want to! And we have more ideas where that came from.

And it doesn't stop there, oh no! We have opened up the SCROOMshop, where you can buy cool stuff on-line - your favorite books, movies, CD's, etc. Why do this? Well, frankly we're doing it to get a little income to offset the production costs of this self-same mag. We don't want you to buy things you don't want (let's not even go into the the whole "want vs. need" thing), but if you are thinking of buying something on the 'net, why not click on the "Buy Cool Stuff" link to the left, and see what the SCROOMshop can do for you? You'll be doing your part to help make the world a better place, save the whales, clean up nuclear waste across eastern Europe, and close up the hole in the ozone layer. We swear. Really. Not to mention help us out a little bit.

So, take a load off, and peruse the mag, check out the columns and the guest feature, and buy something from the SCROOMshop. You'll be glad you did.

And did you remember to tell all your friends about us?
The SCROOMtimes Staff