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Commonwealth Network
Published Monthly  Volume 3 Number 5  May 1998
SCROOMtimes is a publication of SCROOMcomm, Ltd; Publisher:Andy Wallace; Editor-in-Chief: Dean Shutt

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Our Monthly SCROOM
Skippy's Guide to Life and Eternal Happiness
Fiona Jane Speaks Out
..........Fiona Jane
Tales of the Geek Lord
..........Pelican Smith
The Sporting SCROOM
Fun & Games
..........Dean Shutt
A View from the Cheap Seats
..........Dave Lind
The SPMBNC Page!
Not Your Average SCROOM
You Gotta See This!: Mr. Nice Guy
..........Molly Degnan
Humor: Make Love to Your Television
..........Wil Forbis
Fiction: The Green Book - Chapter 1
Rhymes With SCROOM
alice in office-land
..........Marie A.Kazalia
deliverate ambiguity
..........Marie A.Kazalia
..........Marie A.Kazalia
inexplicable voice in a parenthesis
..........Marie A.Kazalia
The BackPage

Hey there, ho there... Welcome to May! Check it out - we've got a killer issue this month. Skippy whines about his editors (heh, heh), Fiona discusses her eating habits, and Pelican, well, Pelican's the Geek Lord. Remember?

In the Sporting SCROOM, Dean talks about becoming a Stats Geek, and Dave tells you about his favorite fights. And, check it out! After a long, cold winter, the SPMBNC raises itself from it's long slumber.

Megan actually saw a Jackie Chan movie! See why,a nd what she thought, in "Ya Gotta See This". And a new correspondent, Wil Forbis has a few comments about his television. Or is it your television? And we're trying a new experiment here at the 'times - our 4 most consistent writers are taking a stab at writing a story - one chapter each. Check out the start of the tale, in "The Green Book". And see if you can identify who's writing what chapter!

And, to top it off, we have a new poet in our midst - Maria Kazalia, from right here in San Fancisco!

Well, it's time to go feed Skippy, I've got to get my riot gear on. I've got to get another intern.
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