The ÜberGirlz - A Triumphant Second Effort
Have you ever sat up till two in the morning doing shots of Everclear
with a beautiful woman? A woman who you just knew was later going to
tear out your heart and feed it to you in a cream sauce? If you are
able to answer yes to the above questions then you have no need for
the Übergirlz' new CD release "Lick the Saw". If however, you haven't
been lucky enough to share the charms of the previously mentioned
combination. Run, don't walk, and buy the new 'girlz CD when it hits
stores next week.
The 'girlz, who have previously released just one album, the anemic
selling "My Dead Cat Fluffy" have at least realized their potential. On
the this new disc, lead guitarist Anna Nails enters the pantheon of
alternative guitar greats. From slow mournful wailing on "Laundry day"
to the U2 flavored romp "Shrinkage" Nails' playing is at once delighted
and somber. I haven't heard so much emotion wrung from a guitar since
Hendrix was setting fire to his Stratocaster.
If Anna Nails were the best thing about this young band they would be
very lucky indeed. As it is, she rates second to the incisive lyrics
and bewitching voice of Kathy Pye. Pye, who is only 24, is just starting
to come into her own as a songwriter. While parts of "Dead Cat Fluffy"
tended to descend into the maudlin, reminding one of a high school
diary. On the new album, songs such as "Girlzchool" walk the fine line
between feminism and pornography. On the title track, a song more about
the loneliness of suburban adolescence than the macabre lumber yard which
is it's setting. Pye sings "You wanted the lips...you'll take the teeth...
you wanted the flower...well here's the stink" and imparts it unimaginable
depth and sincerity.
I was lucky enough to catch the Übergirlz' tour when came through San Jose
last year and they previewed most of this album then. To say that they
gave an energetic performance is an understatement. With Pye twirling
maniacally about the stage like whirlwind on crank. Not to be outdone,
Jancin half of the set hanging from the rafters by her feet (she announced
herself as the world's only upside down bassist). Needless to say I
wasn't expecting that sort of experience from the CD. I certainly wasn't
expecting them to recreate the intensity of their stage rendition of
"Carpet Bomb". Imagine my surprise when I arrived at the eighth track
on the album and found myself gripping the arms of my chair from the
sheer ferocity of the tune. These 'girlz have managed in one album to
surpass the best work of such seasoned veterans as the Ramones and the
Sex Pistols.
Bassist Marsha Jancin and drummer Heidi Pommard, anchor the album with
power playing that just won't stop. Put away the breakables when you put
this CD in your changer because even ballads such as "You Love Me, You
Lose" will rock the bric-a-brac off the shelves.
As if to prove they aren't all leather and power tools. The 'girlz have
taken on a rehab project of tremendous proportions. The last two songs
on this disk are on homage to a songwriter whom Jancin calls "The most
underrated composer of the late twentieth century." With their howling
covers of "Mandy" and "I Write the Songs", the 'girlz pay tribute to Barry
Manilow. When asked what precipitated this somewhat odd choice of cover
music. Pye says, "We just felt that Barry's lyrics are truest to our band's
spirit, in many ways Barry Manilow was the original Übergirl." The 'girlz
claim they want to see Manilow someday get recognition he deserves. They
have even talked about having Manilow sit in on their next album. With
both of these covers, the 'girlz have taken Manilow's music to a place
it has never been and some might say should never go. With power backbeats
and screaming guitars, they lend a whole new urgency to the words "I need
you today oh Mandy..."
With their latest effort the Übergirlz have burst upon the alternative
scene fully formed. If you buy only one album this year, make it "Lick
the Saw".